How to Add

                an Assignment               to eSchoolBook


Step 1:  Click on the "Assignments" tab at the top of the page.


Step 2:  Click on "Add an Assignment."

                You should see:


Step 3:  Use the drop down arrow  next to "Category" to pull down what type of assignment you want to add.  For example, if I wanted to add a quiz into my gradebook, I would click on "Quiz."


Step 4:  Type in a Name for the assignment in "Name."


Step 5:  Type in the date in which the assignment was assigned (using mm/dd/yyyy format) in "Assigned Date" or click in the area of the date to see a calendar appear and then click on the date.  You can use the drop down arrow to change the month and year.

*Follow the same procedure as Step 5 for "Due Date."


Step 6:  Use the drop down arrow  next to "Marking Period" to pull down which marking period you are creating an assignment for.  For example, if I was adding this quiz to the 2nd marking period, I would click on "2nd Marking Period."


Step 7:  Type the point value for the assignment in "Points" and if any extra credit is given to the assignment, type the value in "Extra Credit Points."


Step 8:  The default for "Viewable" is set to "Yes," which means the assignment you are adding can be accessed by parents/guardians.  If you do not want the assignment to be accessible, click the drop down arrow and choose "No."


Step 9:  If you want to add the same assignment to another class, click on the other class  located under "Additional Classes" in the upper right hand side. If you want to add the assignment to more than one class, hold down your Control key and click on all the classes you want the assignment added to.

*Optional:  you can add a description of the assignment in "Description" and/or attach a copy of the assignment by using "Attach."


Step 10:  Click "Add" at the bottom of the page to add the assignment to your gradebook.


          *Click here to return back to the main page*