Marking Period Grades         


Step 1:  Click on the "Grades" tab at the top of the page.


Step 2:  Make sure you have selected the correct class and the correct marking period is selected in "Assignments."  For example, if I was posting marking period grades for the second marking period, I would have use the drop down arrow and select "2nd Marking Period" next to "Assignments."


Step 3:  Click on "Post Report Cards."


Step 4:  Use the drop down arrows to select the correct marking period for both "Post grades for Period" and "Using grades for."


Step 5:  Make sure "Marking Period" is selected (there is a green dot in the circle) and then click "Go."

                 You should see:

*Optional:  If you need to change a grade for a student, highlight the "Posted Score" numeric grade (by clicking the left mouse button and then hitting "Delete" or "Backspace") and type in the correct grade.  If you would like to add a comment, click on the drop down arrow under "Comments" and select one (you may add up to two comments for each student).


Step 6:  Click "Go" to save your changes.


          *Click here to return back to the main page*